Upcoming | Thorns, curated by Cory John Scozzari



Iah Bahia, Juri Bizzotto, Bastien Gachet, Leanne Picthall, Perla Zúñiga

curated by Cory John Scozzari

11/07/2024 – 27/09/2024

Opening: Thursday July the 11th 2024, h. 7pm – 9pm

“We aim. We miss. We live in the gaps between our intentions and the shit that doesn’t work out. So many emotions caught in my pipe. I pound my chest to putter it out. The machinations. Glittery enunciation. The first time I heard the sound of your voice it filled me with a sense of future perfect. The friendship I will have had. Getting to know you. Sounding without thinking. Walking. Just walking and heart beating. Out of sync, but in time.”[1]


[1]. Moten, Fred and Tsang, Wu. Who Touched Me? Page 8. If I Can’t Dance, I Don’t Want to Be Part of Your Revolution, 2016.