David Medalla, Cloud Canyons (Bubble machines auto-creative sculptures) at Fundació Joan Miró, Barcelona


David Medalla, Cloud Canyons (Bubble machines auto-creative sculptures), 2016
Installation view – Fundació Joan Miró. Ph. Davide Camesasca. Courtesy Fundació Joan Miró, Barcelona.
With pleasure Galleria Enrico Astuni announces David Medalla’s participation to the exhibition  

curated by David Bestué on collaboration with Martina Millà

15. 10. 2021 – 06.03.2022

The exhibition illustrates how sculpture has held a tense dialogue with reality over the course of its history, capturing objects, bodies and narratives, and how it continues to have ties to the earliest expressions of the urge to sculpt.  
Among the works on display David Medalla, Cloud Canyons (Bubble machines auto-creative sculptures), 2016.
Fundació Joan Miró | Parc de Montjuïc, Barcelona

David Medalla, Cloud Canyons (Bubble machines auto-creative sculptures) at GAMeC, Bergamo


David Medalla, Cloud Canyons (Bubble machines auto-creative sculptures) n.31, 1964 – 2016
Installation view – GAMeC, Bergamo, 2021. 
Ph: Antonio Maniscalco
. Courtesy GAMeC – Galleria d’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea, Bergamo.


With pleasure Galleria Enrico Astuni announces David Medalla’s participation to the exhibition  

Arte e materia in trasformazione

curated by Anna Daneri and Lorenzo Giusti

15. 10. 2021 – 13.02.2022

The big show is the second chapter in the Trilogy of Matter, a long-term exhibition project begun in October 2018 with the exhibition Black HoleArt and Materiality from Informal to Invisible.



VADO AL MASSIMO. Cronache dall’Italia postmoderna


Stefano Arienti, Alighiero Boetti, Maurizio Cattelan, Francesco Clemente, Cuoghi Corsello, Riccardo Dalisi, Gino De Dominicis, Daniela De Lorenzo, Massimo Iosa Ghini, Missoni, Aldo Mondino, Nunzio, Luigi Ontani, Mimmo Paladino, Giulio Paolini, Salvo, Oliviero Toscani, Antonio Trotta.

Curated by Luca Beatrice

26 Jun – 1 August 2021 - Palazzo Bracci-Pagani, Corso G. Matteotti 97, Fano

Press preview Friday Jun 25 11:30 am -  Palazzo Bracci-Pagani

Opening Saturday Saturday Jun 26 6 pm - Pinacoteca San Domenico, via Arco D’Augusto, Fano

INAUGURAZIONE MOSTRA – Quattro idee. Øystein Aasan, Peter Halley, Jonathan Monk, Maurizio Nannucci. Sabato 8 maggio dalle 9 alle 21

Øystein Aasan, Peter Halley, Jonathan Monk, Maurizio Nannucci
curated by
Lorenzo Bruni

Opening day on Saturday May 8th 2021, from 9 am to 9 pm

06. 03 – 05.06 2021

At 12 o’clock will be held in presence the event QUATTRO IDEE TALK

Moderator: Lorenzo Bruni
Speakers: Luca Beatrice, Guido Molinari, Claudio Musso, Fabiola Naldi e Marco Senaldi.

The talk will be also available live on
Facebook: @galleriaenricoastunibologna
Radioarte: www.radioarte.it

During Art City 2021: Friday 7 May, Saturday 8 May, Sunday 9 May, the Gallery will be open from 9 am to 9 pm.