


iah bahia, Juri Bizzotto, Bastien Gachet, Leanne Picthall, Perla Zúñiga


Galleria Enrico Astuni
from 11.07.2024 to 27.09.2024

Curated by: Cory John Scozzari

Press release: PDF

The exhibition is part of ASTUNIpublicSTUDIO exhibition programme, dedicated to new trends in contemporary art, for artists under 40.

The selected pieces rather than being grouped by media or by direct conceptual frame, are brought together around sensibility. In many of the artworks on display — including sculpture, installation, painting and collage — there exists some form of contradiction, some are at once delicate but also confrontational, others tender but at the same time strong, light but frozen in motion, small but simultaneously poignant.