

Negative Capability – Paintings

Carla Accardi, Pier Paolo Calzolari, Anetta Mona Chisa & Lucia Tkáčová, Peter Halley, Reinhard Mucha, Giulio Paolini

from 20.06.2013 to 07.12.2013

Curated by: Lorenzo Bruni, Giovanni Iovane

Press release: PDF

The group show: Negative Capability – paintings, curated by Lorenzo Bruni and Giovanni Iovane, will focus specifically on the role and the function that can be conferred to contemporary artistic experiences; as modality to rephrase a new balance of things and not only to draw it.

The curatorial approach, born from the will to investigate historical codes, which are used to interpret the abstract language with two different shades of meaning: one aspect is linked to the interruption of opinion from the point of view of the representation of reality. This orientation for instance brought Giulio Paolini (Genova, Italia, 1940), to consider the “historical codes of representation” in order to investigate the essence – and the absence. Richard Mucha (Dusselford, Germania, 1950), had taken to the extreme consequences of dialectical relation, introducing an autobiographical dimension by which he manipulated the elements that constitute the museum institution and its reason for being. The other aspect is associated with a strong and negative strength towards politic, which appears in Pier Paolo Calzolari (Bologna, Italia, 1950), through a poetic dimension, which sublimates the everyday dimension. Anetta Mona Chisa (Nadlac, Romania, 1975) & Lucia Tkàcovà (Banska Stiavnica, Slovakia, 1977) prevail a reflection about bases of the common sense, that allow an awareness on what can be considered “normal” from a social point of view.

These two aspects are joint by a radical reflection about codes of abstract representability, semantically existent in the art works of all the artists shown, and that in Carla Accardi (Trapani, Italia, 1924) and Peter Halley (New York City, USA, 1953) they take a formal reflection about the negation of the reality and awareness of painting media: surface and colour stratification.