
Sabrina Casadei


Born in Rome in 1985, Sabrina Casadei lives between Rome and Reggio Emilia.

In 2009, she graduated in Painting from the Academy of Fine Art in Rome. She lived in Berlin for a number of years where she attended classes at the UDK, Berlin University of the Arts. Over the years, she has taken part in various international art residency programmes: 2019 NES Artist Residency, Skagastrond, Iceland; and in 2016 at NKD, Nordic Artists’ Centre Dale, Dale, Norway, among others.


Among her most recent solo shows, we might recall Tessere l’invisibile, Francesca Antonini Arte Contemporanea, Rome (2021); Montefantasma, Nicola Pedana Arte Contemporanea, Caserta, Italy (2019); No old thing under the sun, Eduardo Secci Contemporary, Florence (2018); A Thousand Miles away – Residenze #2, AlbumArte, Rome (2016).


Among her most recent group shows and international art fairs, we might recall L’altra sorgente, Galleria Enrico Astuni, Bologna (2024); Enter Art Fair, Francesca Antonini Arte Contemporanea, Copenaghen (2023); Tra pennelli e Immagini virtuali, Miart Milano by Intesa San Paolo, Milan (2022); Hyperbole, Nicola Pedana arte Contemporanea, Caserta, Italy (2021); Art Paris Art Fair, Grand Palais, Paris (2021); Selvatico (tredici) Fantasia – Fantasma, Palazzo Sforza, Cotignola, Italy (2018); MAPS, Società Geografica Italiana, Villa Celimontana, Rome (2018); UNTITLED Art Fair, San Francisco (2018); Invisibili Connessioni – Punctum, Archivio Storico e Museo Italgas, Turin (2017); and Malerbe, Istituto di Cultura Austriaco, Rome (2017).


